This is the live audio recording from Terrorhythm : Chefal, Plastician b2b Swindle, Elijah & Skilliam (LIVE) at Plan B Warehouse
One of Plastician's many successful night parties!
"I hope you're all having a good time!"
Terrorhythm is brainchild of Dubstep pioneer Plastician (formerly Plastic Man)
The Croydon producer has put on a string of live events and projects pushing forward the underground music market we exist in.
Early adopter of pirate radio in London is Plastician - this music producer has kept it real & had a big influence in London's music marketplace : whilst also holding his place in the dubstep Hall Of Fame.
He also holds a firm place in the dubstep Hall Of Fame.
......AND throws awesome parties under his futurist Terrorhythm label !
Hope to collaborate more with Plastician in the future.
Type : Audio
Photo credit : VELODY .NET
Date : 2014
There is full video coverage of this event.